
硅-商标- 2016

Special interest housing is a living arrangement that consists of floors inside a residential hall and two houses that have developed out of common interests in the student body. These floors and houses perform services to the campus community and the Rochester community at large to promote their interests.

除了特殊兴趣楼层, special interest housing includes one Living Learning Community (LLC). LLCs provide an opportunity to share common residential and learning experiences, 并有意识地在社会之间建立联系, cultural, academic, and residential experiences based on disciplinary and interdisciplinary themes.

There are six special interests housing options currently active at Rochester—four floors:


There are several benefits to joining a special interest floor or LLC. In joining one of these floors or houses, you join a community from day one. Another benefit is that you can avoid the housing lottery at the end of the spring semester. Special interest floors and houses have their own housing procedures.


Many special interest floors have their own applications online and provide them at a recruiting function. 您应该单独联系每个小组以获取更多信息.

你可以申请多个小组. 在这种情况下, you go through the interview process with each group and once you accept an offer from one group, 你的名字将被排除在其他小组的考虑之外.


Special interest floor housing costs are the same as living in any residence hall. However, additional costs associated with differing groups may be dependent on the structure of the individual groups. Some floors require members to pay dues either per semester or by the year, while others don’t.



Whether you're already an avid anime/manga fan or just find the genre somewhat interesting, you'll find that the anime interest floor (AIF) has something for you.

位于安德森大厦的七楼, AIF拥有一个不断扩大的漫画图书馆, 哪一个是24小时开放给公众阅读的. AIF also holds weekly showings and discussions of anime feature films. 场内活动包括以下活动:

  • 多人游戏
  • 看动漫
  • 自制寿司

Members also receive discounts at local anime retailer Hammergirl Anime.

AIF members bring a diversity of interests to the floor and represent a wide spectrum of academic pursuits. AIF对未来有宏伟的计划——加入我们,帮助塑造它!

Visit our Facebook页面 了解更多信息. Our Discord server is open to anyone at the 网赌论坛有哪些 to chat about anime, manga, 视频游戏, 还有更多!


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The 电脑兴趣楼 (CIF) is an entertaining place to spend time, talk, 或者干脆利用源源不断的食物. There are always people around, and there is almost always something going on.

Although there is a noticeable focus on computers and technology in the interests of most members, CIF是各种其他利益集团的所在地, 包括电影, philosophy, archaeology, 和心理学. Our members are always interested in discussions on both academic and purely random topics.

We maintain a computer lab in the basement of Anderson Tower and a Linux server for general use and host regular tech seminars on a variety of topics. 我们在实验室里举办编码和娱乐活动, 但我们做的不仅仅是基于电脑的活动. 我们每月举办一次游戏之夜,并有一个大型桌游图书馆, 哪些人可以免费查看游戏.

CIF is a great place to learn about system administration and open-source software and to socialize in a friendly, active, 自发环境.

请联系 cif_board@u.honforjapan.net 如果你有任何问题或想申请,也可以来找我们. 我们的大门永远是敞开的. 甚至在凌晨三点. Visit our Facebook页面 了解更多信息.

电脑兴趣楼视频 (背景音乐响起.)

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Drama House

戏剧之家立足于我们的创意原则, 艺术的合作, 性别和性取向包容. Many of its members are dedicated to theater and a broad array of interests including music, film, dance, literature, 还有美术. We host events that focus on encouraging a strong campus and local theater community. See the 话剧馆网站 了解更多信息.

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道格拉斯领导学院(DLH), 以弗雷德里克·道格拉斯命名, the mission of the DLH is to establish an engaging intellectual community where students of all cultural backgrounds can come together and raise awareness of the many facets of the black experience: culture, politics, history, 以及散居的根源. 作为一个专门的房子, current DLH elected board members recruit and run a selection process for students wishing to live in the house.

在正常的房屋选择过程中无法选择房屋. 如果你有兴趣申请,请发邮件至: URDouglassHouse@gmail.com. Connect with DLH on Instagram @URDouglassLeaders for information on their events. This program is being overseen by an advisory board including students, alumni, 学生生活管理员, 院长和教职员工.

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GreenSpace (GS), 位于伯顿的一楼, is the University's first special interest housing opportunity dedicated to living a sustainable lifestyle. Students interested in making daily choices with the environment in mind can now interact with and learn from like-minded people regularly.

我们的使命是团结一致, 互相学习, 尽我们最大的努力过有环保意识的生活. We are committed to forming a presence on campus that raises awareness and encourages others to make the simple changes that members make each day in order to live as sustainably as possible.

想了解更多,请点击 our website 或浏览我们的 Facebook页面.

GreenSpace视频 (影片开始播放器乐,并附有字幕.)

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成立于1976年, the music interest floor (MIF) is a community of musicians and appreciators living on Wilder nine. You can find us involved in all aspects of music at the University and around campus promoting music-related activities and events.

我们有一间大练习室,里面有一套鼓和一架钢琴, 可供个人和团体使用, in which we also hold events such as jam sessions and open mic nights. 我们也在校内和校外举办一些音乐活动. 过去的事件包括:

  • Schoolhouse Rock (a concert to raise money to help provide musical instruments for underprivileged children)
  • 在网赌论坛有哪些精神病学中心的表演
  • 把表演者从门罗拱门带到校园

We have a strong sense of community that is fostered by our four communal lounges and regular social events, 包括从晚餐到彩弹射击的一切. 发送电子邮件至 rochestermif@gmail.com 如果您对我们的楼层有任何疑问.


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