Planning Accessible Events

Departments sponsoring lectures, talks, conference, symposia, 和/或对校园/社区开放的会议应积极计划,以确保任何与会者都有平等的机会充分参与在网赌论坛有哪些举行的活动.

For information specific to online events, please download our Online Accessibility Tip Sheet (Word).

Event Accommodations

Any events should include information on how to request accommodations. Sample statement:

罗彻斯特大学致力于提供包容的体验和平等的项目和服务. If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation, please contact (name and contact info of event organizer). In all situations, 我们将尽力(直到活动开始前)提供住宿.”

下面列出了您可能会收到的常见活动住宿请求以及满足这些请求的资源. 请注意,任何住宿要求都应以时间敏感的方式处理, 因为供应商通常需要长达一周或更长时间才能做出安排.

ASL Interpreting

Event organizers need to submit a RedCap form 联络聋人专业传译服务中心,他们会为活动安排及安排传译服务. 请注意,由于当地和全国范围内缺少现场的美国手语翻译人员,该请求需要至少两周的交付时间.

Zoom Webinars

对于广大观众来说,最简单的方法是使用网络研讨会的形式,邀请口译员作为共同主持人或小组成员加入,这样每个人都可以在整个活动中看到他们, and will be captured in the Zoom recording.

Zoom Meetings

For Zoom meetings, the interpreter can be added as a participant. 主持人应指示口译员将他们的名字在Zoom中更改为“Interpreter-NAME”,以便于找到他们. The requesting attendees can pin the interpreter's window in Zoom so they can continuously view the ASL interpreter on screen. 一项新功能允许主持人向有限数量的参与者授予特定权限 pin multiple videos. Up-to-date Zoom software is required.

To let consumers know there are interpreters, announce via your presentation, or in the Chat Box, 如果他们点击翻译窗口中的三个点并选择“pin”,那么口译员可以“pin”."


请注意,主持人对口译员的看法将决定会议记录中捕获的内容, 因此,如果会议有录音,主持人应该让口译员注意到.

Auto Captions

Zoom使用人工智能内置了自动转录/字幕功能. Download our tip sheet (Word).

Web Captioner 是一个免费的工具,可以与Zoom一起使用,提供计算机生成的实时字幕. Download our tip sheet (Word).

Please note that according to the US Dept. of Justice, computer-generated captions are not accurate enough 为遵守《网赌论坛有哪些》(ADA)提供平等的机会. Therefore, free services such as these, though they may be useful in many situations, 作为使用第三方供应商提供准确的实时字幕的替代品是否总是足够或合适的,如果课程参与者已经通过UR残疾资源办公室正式批准了字幕媒体作为住宿. 遵从已批准此住宿的学生的任何陈述偏好, 和/或与残疾资源办公室联系,询问有关您的课程/活动所需字幕的任何问题.

Other Accommodation Requests

If you are unsure how to provide a requested accommodation, please contact the Office of Disability Resources at for assistance.

Event Materials


在现场公共活动期间或有请求聋人/HH参与者的活动中播放的视频, 随后在网上发布或分发这些活动的录音必须准确地配上标题.

Resources for Captioning

Fee-based Services:

Free options using automatic speech recognition: (请注意,仅凭这些标题不足以提供访问. They must be edited manually. Instructions are included in the links below.)

Handouts and Print Materials

有电子版的讲义和其他打印材料(可访问的Word或PDF)吗. For presentations, 是否可以提供演示文稿的打印版本或提前将电子版本发送给与会者, if possible. Please read through our Accessible Materials page 获取更多信息,以确保所有与会者都能访问这些材料.

Physical Access

For in-person events, 考虑你举办活动的房间或空间的物理可达性. 尽可能选择适合轮椅或其他设备使用者使用的房间. 如果你知道你有一个轮椅使用者在一个无法进入的房间参加活动,你应该找到一个替代的场地. Identify the closest accessible parking and accessible restrooms. 在房间内,考虑所有人的导航路线和访问便利性.

Use of Microphone



Clearly indicate allergens and gluten-free options.

Event and Classroom Management Support

Lastly, we recommend speaking with our colleagues at Event and Classroom Management (ECM),他将能够协助策划一个成功的大学活动的各个方面.

Additional Resources for Online Events

Please note: 活动的部门或赞助实体有责任确保参加在网赌论坛有哪些举行的活动的平等机会. 部门负责为他们主办的活动提供平等的访问机会.