
The Office of Disability 资源 invites all members of the University community to learn about disability and accessibility.

We're just beginning to build our online training database; trainings currently available are listed below. If there's a topic you'd like to see covered, please 网赌论坛有哪些.

我们也邀请你 visit our lending library or request an in-person training session 与我们.




教师/工作人员 可访问性 Ambassador Project


To recruit and provide year-long support and training to a cohort of 52 faculty/staff members from across the University. This training will relate specifically to disability issues, facilitating accommodations, creating accessible materials, and implementing Universal Design for Learning strategies in their classrooms.



A new cohort of 网赌论坛有哪些 faculty and staff will complete the CAST Universal Design for Learning in Postsecondary Education training in either Summer of Fall of 2024


Possible CAST UDL training dates:

UDL in Postsecondary Education - Summer 2024年:6月3日- 7月26日

UDL in Postsecondary Education - Fall 2024: September 10 - November 1

This eight-week course consists of four modules, each lasting two-weeks in length. Each module will have one large-group, 90分钟, 实时变焦会话, one 60-minute facilitated small group meeting and self-paced learning:

Live sessions will be recorded and posted on the website for those who may need to miss a session, though we encourage you to be present, 如果可能的话, to get the most of your learning experience.

More information on this eight-week course is available on the 把网站


The cohort will also complete a series of 网赌论坛有哪些 Office of Disability 资源 (ODR) training sessions. These ODR training sessions will include information on a variety of topics including:

  • ODR services and accommodations
  • 教师/student rights and responsibilities
  • Communicating with students with disabilities
  • Inclusion and disability as diversity
  • Working with communication access providers
  • Creating accessible materials
  • Online/in-person course accessibility issues

Benefits for Participants

The tuition ($850 per person) for the CAST UDL training will be fully covered by this NYSED SWDPS grant, with no cost to the participants.

Additional grant funding will be used to provide participants with books/materials related to Universal Design for Learning and working with individuals who have disabilities.
Participants will earn a Postsecondary UDL Credential from CAST upon completion of their eight-week training program.


Upon completion of the program at the end of the 24-25 academic year, participants will be expected to:

  • Have the knowledge and skills to apply UDL principles to create inclusive experiences for their students
  • Be able to serve as a resource to their schools and departments by being able to share information about services for students with disabilities, creating accessible materials, and UDL instructional strategies


教职员工 who are interested in joining the project can register online by Completing the 网上报名表格.


For more information about the program, contact Jen Prosceo, ODR director at 珍妮花.prosceo@honforjapan.net.


第1部分: 维护自己的权利 in College

第2部分: What is 维护自己的权利?



Part 5: More Self-Reflection

Part 6: Rights and Responsibilities

Part 7: Circles of Support

Part 8: Thinking About the Future
